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You know what is really toxic to your immune system? Worry. That’s right, though a certain amount of fear is normal and may even have the positive benefit of motivating you to take right action, too much worry can actually have harmful effects on your health. The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) reported a study showing the direct impact of anxiety in men and women on coronary heart disease. The reality is that anxious people have an increased risk of cardiac death. So how can you lower your anxiety level despite the coronavirus panic that’s filling our world? Here are three steps:

  1. Make a conscious decision to reduce your stress level.

This may not be easy but it can be done. Set your intention to relax your body and mind more and more and be willing to practice.  Use self-hypnosis audio recordings to help you re-set your daily and moment-to-moment stress response. Here are some good ones. Bring to mind positive images of trees, flowers, smiling babies, puppies, kittens, or your happiest memories. Use all your senses to make your visualizations come alive. Breathe beautiful colors, light and soothing, melodic sounds into every cell of your body. Become conscious of your breathing and the tension you are holding in your muscles. No matter how busy you are, every hour, stop what you are doing, stretch, and take a few nice big deep breaths. Make relaxing your body and mind your priority.

  1. Stop watching the news!

Stay away from people who are spreading panic. Remember that we are always absorbing the tension in our environment.  It’s essential that you and I monitor the influences we are exposed to. Keep in mind, the media gains from attracting more viewers. Remember that it’s their job to create frenzy, to insure they get more business. Don’t fall into the trap. Yes, coronavirus and falling stock markets are serious concerns. On the other hand, if you’ve been around awhile, you know that most of the “calamities” in life pass. Now is the time to be strong and weather the storm. You can do it and we can do it together!

  1. Stay as healthy as possible.

In this physical world, do everything possible to keep yourself well. Eat healthy. Exercise. Use intelligent precautions to limit exposure to germs. Build your immune system with healthy nutrients. There is research to show that a healthy endocannabinoid system has a positive impact on keeping all systems of your body healthy. If you are going to use CBD to help build your endocannabinoid system, please do the research and make sure that you are only using the highest quality Cannabidiol (CBD). I don’t want you to be one of those people who say, “I tried it, and it didn’t work.” At Rena’s Organic, I’ve done the research for you. CBD Super Cider is a great USDA certified organic, herbal health booster. Every ingredient has been meticulously sourced. Our potent tinctures are the highest quality possible.

Keep your spirit strong

Equally important as keeping your mind and body in top form is maintaining your spiritual connection. Is your relationship to your faith healthy and alive? Take time to be in nature and remind yourself that you are a strong, beautiful and resilient child of God.

Practice Letting Go and Living Fully

Practice surrendering as death will be the ultimate letting go, and that is where we are all going. Yet why hasten that outcome with worry? Instead of allowing ourselves to be crippled with fear, we can instead choose to make the temporary nature of life a motivating force to be the best we can be in this life. The reality is, coronavirus or no coronavirus, you and I don’t know how many breaths or moments we have left. Let’s use the time we have to open our hearts to ourselves and each other and spread love, joy, radiant health, peace and wisdom—not worry—to one another. Please let me know your thoughts by commenting below or shooting me an email at: [email protected]

Thank you for being part of the Rena’s Organic family!

To your health & happiness,


drinking CBD Super Cider

Boost your immune system and overall health with CBD Super Cider

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For a Limited Time: Get My Complete Guide -CBD for Health and Wellness - Questions You Should Be Asking-- FREE!...

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