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Inflation, war, the remnants of the pandemic, illness . . .. there is no getting away from the difficulties we are all navigating in 2023.

At the same time, you and I have so much to be grateful for. Health. Friends. Family. Pets. Our home.  Most importantly, you have your heart.  Not just your physical heart that is beating, giving you life.  But also your emotional heart.

The love you have to share with yourself and others is an asset that no one can take away from you. It is a reflection of your level of health—mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Having an open heart helps you to radiate positive energy, faith and hope to yourself and others (despite the inevitable challenges you may be facing at this time).

Recently, one of my good friends died. When my husband and I held a gathering at our home to honor Hank, many people told us that our friend Hank was one of many friends of theirs who had recently passed away.  In other words, they were filled with sorrow for their many friends and loved ones who were now suddenly gone. For me, Hank was my first good friend to die.

As you may have already experienced, the death of someone dear to you can be a true wakeup call to the reality of how short life really is.  Beyond the cliché “life is short”, it’s important that we consistently remember that you and I are here on Earth for a limited time.  It can be helpful to ask yourself: Is my life a reflection of the preciousness and miracle of my existence?

The beautiful thing about my friend Hank was how much he shared his heart. He spread love and goodwill everywhere he went.  That’s a hard act to follow.  Why is it so difficult to stay open-hearted?

The Challenges of Life

Woman holding aching neckFor so many of us, we are distracted by our own life drama—the aches and strains of our muscles and joints, the happenings of our loved ones—both the blessings and the difficulties, financial, health, business, relationship challenges, etc.

These problems can seem particularly overwhelming if you are not feeling well—tired, sick, lethargic, sad, lonely, grieving or in physical or emotional discomfort. In fact, your life issues and preoccupations can cause you to close your heart, by default, if you don’t stop that from happening.  When under stress, it’s not uncommon for us to not even realize that we have a heart.

You may feel like you are just going through the motions of life—putting out one fire, just as another burning flame demanding your attention suddenly erupts in another corner of your existence.

I know how challenging it can be to feel squeezed by the pressures of life.  When that happens, you can feel so overwhelmed that it’s very difficult to feel and express an open heart for others, and especially for yourself. You still may be doing a lot to help other people, but you may feel nervous, sad, exhausted, numb, angry, frustrated, tired, scared, lonely or frozen inside, as you go through the motions of giving and living.

Feeling Down or Jittery?

Worry and chronic sadness are mental health issues that cannot be ignored.  Living life in a compromised state of mind can only cause more problems—whether that be health problems like insomnia, chronic soreness, exhaustion, serious illness and disease, or social issues.  Walking around in a dark state of mind can also lead to relationship woes such as scarred friendships, marital problems and divorce.

What can you do? Achieving and maintaining a state of health, happiness with inner peace and strength can often feel elusive and unattainable.  Here are 5 keys to help you find and achieve true health.

  1. Take a Productivity Break

When you become consciously aware that you are feeling badly or spinning your wheels, that may be a sign from your subconscious that it’s time to stop doing. Sometimes when things are going poorly, we want to plow forward, feeling like it’s better to do something rather than do nothing. That is not always true.

Instead, your difficulties may be a sign that now is a time for self-healing.   About 12 years ago, I was going through a very difficult period in my life. A wise friend suggested that I may be going through the winter of my life. That made sense to me because everything I had been attempting to do the previous year had failed.

She advised me to stop doing everything and just be. Since nothing I was doing was leading to any promising results anyway, I decided to follow her counsel.

I took time to self-reflect, read positive books, create and engage in uplifting relationships, and dive more deeply on my spiritual path with hypnotic meditation.  Six months went by and out of the blue, ABC-TV 20-20 ended up contacting me for a big story about my weight loss hypnosis.

This ended up changing my life in so many positive ways.  Sometimes taking a time-out and filling your cup will ultimately bring you new, more rewarding opportunities, and a higher level of mental, physical and emotional health as well as improving relationships.

  1. Change Your Lifestyle Rena on Trampoline

Move your body. No matter how tired or sick you feel, it’s essential that you do some movement. Our bodies were not meant to be sedentary for extended periods of time. The less you move, the less you will want to move.

When you exercise, whether that means taking a walk around your block or doing more rigorous exercise, like jumping on a trampoline or roller blading, you are increasing the happiness brain chemicals filling your mind and body.  Movement has to be a non-negotiable part of your day for ultimate mind-body health.

  1. Eat Healthy

You already know how important it is to eat healthy.  Food is medicine.  At the same time, processed foods and foods filled with sugar, chemicals and unhealthy sweeteners can slow you down, mentally and physically. Sugar leads to depression, fatigue and addiction. Healthy eating young family

How do you break the cycle? I’ve helped thousands of people to lose weight with hypnosis. My weight loss clients also love my Super Cider, Green Slender Cider and Slender Cider to assist with weight loss.   Herbal formulas Slender Cider and Green Slender Cider alkalize, cleanse, nourish and energize—all of which help to curb your cravings for sugar, carbs and even alcohol.

  1. Find your passion

Use your life-force energy wisely. Look inside your own heart. You were born to serve. Yes, you must first honor yourself by taking good care of your precious mind and body and preserving your highest level of health.  At the same time, what makes life meaningful is how we share our gifts and talents with others.

That may be doing work that allows you to interact with and give to people in a way that feels fulfilling to you and is a win-win for everyone involved.  Or, you may decide to volunteer your time.

Either way, your life’s work is a wonderful way to channel your strengths, positive energy and natural desire to share generously with others.  Living your passion makes it easier to open your heart to yourself and ultimately to the world.

  1. Rena with CBD Super CiderTake High Quality Nutrients

Sadly, our world is full of toxins. Polluted air. Dirty water. Food stripped of nutrition.

I started my Rena’s Organic line because I wanted people who are sick or suffering from lack of deep slumber, chronic discomfort, low mood, feeling tired and other health problems to have healthy options that are of the highest quality.

Yes, first and foremost, we need to clean up our diet. But additionally, there are nutrients that can assist in making the body stronger and our lives happier and healthier.

Rena’s Organic contains the highest quality USDA certified CBD available anywhere. Yes, the products are manufactured in a certified GMP facility, non-GMO, organically grown and our CBD is Colorado Grown from the seeds.

Super Cider is blended with 7 other cannabinoid herbs for health, balance and wellness. The feedback I have received from my customers has been amazing. My new and improved Rena’s Organic 1000 mg. CBD Cream now contains 1200 mg. PEA, which increases the efficacy of the formula, plus dozens of healing essential oils.  I am honored that over 150 TV news stations have reported on the benefits and the relief people are getting from the Rena’s Organic 1000 mg. CBD Cream.

Life is challenging and we need so much faith as we move forward. We have to stick together and help one another. I hope these 5 tips will help you to feel more empowered and ultimately help you to open your heart to yourself and to all of creation. Take a productivity break. Change your lifestyle. Eat healthy. Find your passion and use only the highest quality Rena holding 1000 mg CBD pain cream Sedona nutrients. You deserve to live your best life.

We don’t know how much time we have left on this Earth. But we do know that it’s the quality of our lives that is significant. When you are suffering and in pain, it’s impossible to show up for yourself or anyone else in a joyful, compassionate way.

Take time to heal yourself. There is only one you. Your health matters—mental, physical and emotional health.  Balance your mind and body with healthy food, exercise, Hypnotic Meditation (for the wandering mind), positive lifestyle and high-quality medical grade CBD (to keep your body’s endocannabinoid system in a state of homeostasis). You are so worth it!

I’m sending you so much love.

To your health and happiness always,

Signature with apple

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