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“I tried CBD and it didn’t work.”

“I found cheaper CBD at my doctor’s office.”

“I didn’t see any potency on my CBD bottle.”

“The CBD did nothing for my headache.”

“I didn’t know CBD was different than Hemp.”

I hear these comments all the time. It’s sad and infuriating for me to see the deception and misinformation that’s happening in the CBD marketing industry.

People are getting ripped off and they shouldn’t be!

On the one hand, it’s so exciting that people are learning about the incredible benefits of CBD.  CBD, which is short for Cannabidiol, has helped to relieve all kinds of discomfort and assist with overall balancing the body.

That’s because the body has an endo-cannabinoid system with receptor cells from head to toe. CBD affects how you eat, think and rest.


All CBD is not Equal

Here’s the catch.  To get the benefits you desire and deserve, you need to use high quality, full spectrum, potent CBD.

But many of the CBD sellers out there, surprisingly, including doctors and other health care workers, are carrying very low potency or even low quality CBD.

Or, the brands they are promoting chemically extract only isolated parts of the Hemp/Cannabis plant so you are only getting what’s known as CBD isolate.

Why? The answer in a word is, “profit.” The lower the potency, the cheaper the product. Isolate costs pennies on the dollar to produce as opposed to the labor intensive and expensive extraction process that is necessary to extract high quality, full spectrum, CBD.


What’s the Best Potency?

Another trick I’ve seen CBD sellers guilty of is having a high potency of CBD on the label, even up to 3000 mg.  While that may seem better than a CBD tincture bottle with only 100 mg, the reality is, when the amount of CBD in the bottle is listed as anything over 1,500 mg, it’s suspect.

When you see such inflated and high potencies, you can be certain that even if there is some full spectrum in the bottle, it has been spiked with CBD isolate. In fact, I urge you to read the fine print. Often the label will say “Full Spectrum with Isolate,” or sometimes the fact that there is isolate or even synthetic CBD in the bottle, is not disclosed.

Areas of Confusion


Another equally important issue is, is the potency claimed on the label substantiated by third party tests from independent laboratories?  You should be able to see these third party verification lab reports on the website of the seller, when you buy any CBD product. Ideally, you should see the third party testing for the soil that the CBD was grown on, to verify that the soil has no contaminants, ever.

Another area of confusion is the word “hemp” vs. “CBD.”  Here’s the misleading thing:  All CBD is Hemp, but not all Hemp is CBD.

So if your bottle says “500 mg. Hemp” on the label, you really have no way of knowing whether the product has any CBD in it at all. It could very well contain just plain Hemp Seed Oil.

Granted, Hemp Seed Oil has some beneficial components, but it’s an inexpensive oil, not much different from Olive Oil or Grape Seed Oil.  You simply can not compare the value of plain Hemp Oil to the valuable plant compound, CBD.

CBD has been shown to assist people in overall feeling better.


Relief from Suffering

With so many people suffering with all sorts of ailments, I am so excited about the possibility for relief that CBD presents. But the catch is, you need real, quality, full spectrum, high potency CBD, if you are going to get any true benefit.

Top grade CBD is expensive, there’s no way around that.  My goal with Rena’s Organic is to keep my overhead as low as possible and pass the savings on to as many people as I can.

What I want to help people avoid is getting sucked in to spending their hard-earned money on junk—meaning CBD products that are low potency, mostly or completely chemically extracted isolates, or plain old Hemp Oil, instead of real Cannabidiol.

My best advice: Read your labels. Make sure your CBD product contains full spectrum CBD that is cold sub-zero extracted, to eliminate any chemical residue.


Why Does USA Grown Matter?

You want your CBD to be grown in the USA, preferably Colorado, where the organic farming conditions are highly regulated. Also, make sure the seeds come from Colorado, too.

I’ve seen farms boasting that their CBD is grown in Colorado. However, when questioned, I’ve learned that they are actually using seeds imported from overseas, because they are so cheap.

Why is this a problem? Because the Hemp/Cannabis plant is so porous, it can potentially absorb all kinds of toxins from the soil and the environment. It’s best to avoid that risk by ingesting only CBD that is grown in the clean air state of Colorado, where the farming regulations for Cannabis are stringent.

The bottom line: CBD has amazing and promising potential. Since I’ve had the pleasure of launching my Rena’s Organic top grade CBD brand 6 years ago, the stories I’ve heard about the benefits people are experiencing, are nothing short of amazing.

I want you to get the relief you’ve been praying for.  You deserve only the highest quality, most pure product for the best results.  And the greatest bonus of all would be, with the blessing of your doctor, feeling yourself truly coming alive, to your highest potential, again, with the help of the best CBD on the planet.

To Your Health & Happiness,


Renas Organic EHP CBD Product Collection

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CBD Cream 

CBD users can now pick from a variety of products including capsules, tinctures and CBD cream. In fact, CBD cream 1000 mg is growing in popularity and Renas Organic has been featured as one of the best in over 150 TV news stories.

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For a Limited Time: Get My Complete Guide -CBD for Health and Wellness - Questions You Should Be Asking-- FREE!...

For a Limited Time: Get My Complete Guide -CBD for Health and Wellness - Questions You Should Be Asking-- FREE!...

* 3 Ways to Avoid CBD Ripoffs and Scammers

* 7 Reasons Why You WANT Pure, Organic, Medical Grade CBD

* How to Get MAXIMUM Benefits from CBD for Your Specific Ailment

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